Sigh! Bev Westcott Remembers Dreamy Don

Dedicating his life to the welfare of children, Dr. Calvitt Clarke (1887-1970) was one of the twentieth century’s most successful charitable fundraisers. He was also a successful author, sometimes writing under his own name, often under the. At midnight God remembers 'the hind that lies in the dust' and sheds two tears 'which burn more than all the fire in the world' and fall into the great sea. At this hour He breaks out in lamentations which shake all 390 worlds. That in (sic) why in the middle watch of the night the angels sing hymns of praise for only two hours and then fall. Porter Wagoner, the rhinestone-clad Grand Ole Opry star who helped launch the career of Dolly Parton by hiring her as his duet partner, has died.

Devotionals/Encouragement for Today - Tuesday, May 23, 2017

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May 2017

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Duration: 365 days

May 23, 2017

Coming Apart at the “Seems”

“A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.” Proverbs 14:30 (NIV)

I sat outside on our back deck, vigorously stirring my iced tea with a striped straw, until the ice cubes formed a tiny whirlpool in my glass.

But my mid-day beverage wasn’t the only thing stirring. My emotions churned as well. This was due to scrolling through social media posts on my cell phone screen.

Tap after swipe made my heart sink further. I was already in a gloomy state having dealt with a child’s poor choice, a tension-filled domestic dispute with my husband and the too-tight jeans I wore that day, which at one time had been so loose on me I’d almost donated them to the local thrift store.

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As I scrolled through the pixelated images before me, all I could think was, “Gee. It must be nice. Everyone else seems to have it all together.” The scene played out a little something like this:


“Wow. Seems like she sure has academically brilliant children. Student of the month awards for both her kids at once?”

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“Man. Look at that fancy dinner with her smiling husband. They seem so in love and happy. And we could never afford a night out on the town at a restaurant like that. Nope. Our nights out are often spent in a spat while we split an entree at a chain eatery to keep the cost down.”


“Oh lovely. A workout selfie at the gym. Look at how flat her stomach is. And those sculpted arms? Seems like she has oodles of time to devote to exercise and a body and appetite that cooperate. Maybe I’ll finally start my diet tomorrow. Or next Monday. Oh, who am I kidding? Seems I’ll never look like that.”

And there you have it. A stroll down social media lane can leave us coming completely apart at the “seems.” It seems everyone has it better than we do. As a result, we start to loathe our own life by comparison, even if it is just ever so slightly. Here is the thing about comparisons: They deal a death blow to our contentment and tempt us to focus on what we don’t have rather than be grateful for all that we do possess. The result is an envious heart that is rattled and restless.

Our key verse in Proverbs reflects this well, “A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.” This verse may seem pretty straightforward. Envy keeps you from experiencing peace. While this is true, a dig into the original Hebrew language gives us even a more vivid snapshot of its intended meaning.

Envy here doesn’t just mean that initial, “Must be nice” thought that dances through our minds when we spy the blessings of others. It means “passionate and zealous jealousy.” This indicates our emotions are involved. Our hearts go through the ringer as we spend energy dwelling on the increasingly envious feelings that come from seeing someone else who seems to have a better life than we do.

And the word “rots” means decays. It brings about not just a rotten state — like fruit that is starting to spoil — it ushers in death. In this verse, that means the figurative death of one’s very strength of life. However, let’s not just dwell on the dreary picture painted here. What about the other half of this verse?

Sigh Bev Westcott Remembers Dreamy Don Mclean

The heart that is at peace literally means one that is sound, wholesome, healthy and cured. So, the way to have a healthy heart emotionally and spiritually is to keep envy at bay.

We do this by switching our thinking and fighting against the “poor me” mentality. We may not be rich, but do we have a roof over our heads? We may not dine out at expensive restaurants, but did God provide enough to eat today? Our bodies may not be supermodel fit, but are we still alive and able to move, serve or at least pray for others? Thankfulness chases envy away and settles our hearts in God’s perfect peace.

Sigh Bev Westcott Remembers Dreamy Donuts

So the next time we are tempted to come apart at the “seems” while staring at the pics on our phone, let’s log off for a moment — or a week! — and start counting our many blessings. May we be grateful to God for what we do have, and stop wanting someone else’s life. Then, we’ll discover that true contentment isn’t having what you want. It is wanting nothing more than what you already have.

Father, help me to be earnestly grateful for all You’ve given me and stop wishing for someone’s else’s life. You are enough for me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Colossians 3:15, “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.” (NIV)

Sigh Bev Westcott Remembers Dreamy Donald

If you want to learn to embrace the life you’ve been given and find true peace, pick up a copy of Karen Ehman’s book LET. IT. GO. How to Stop Running the Show and Start Walking in Faith.

You can chat more about this topic with Karen today on Facebook LIVE. Head here to get the details!

Can you think of a time when you thought someone else seemed to have something you desperately longed for — perhaps a fabulous marriage, a dream job, close friends, killer looks or material possessions? How can being thankful and naming your blessings help to curb your feelings of envy?

Sigh Bev Westcott Remembers Dreamy Donna

© 2017 by Karen Ehman. All rights reserved.

Proverbs 31 Ministries
630 Team Rd., Suite 100
Matthews, NC 28105

Sigh bev westcott remembers dreamy donna
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