Request For Student Progress

  1. If an eligible student believes that a school has failed to comply with his or her request for access to education records, the student may complete a FERPA complaint form and should include the following specific information: the date of the request for access to the education records; the name of the school official to whom the request was.
  2. Here's a student progress report template that you can use to monitor your student's progress. It contains questions that will help improve your student's performance on his/her academic ability, focus (behavior/attitude/interest), or both.

Complete the following forms ONLY if they have been requested by the Financial Aid Department. Check your ctcLink Student Service Center To Do list for requested forms. Verification Worksheet V1 standard verification CCS 43-165 2020-2021 Verification Worksheet V4 custom verification CCS 43-167 2020-2021. REQUEST FOR CLASS PROGRESS REPORT. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING STUDENTS. Student grade in course at this point of the semester is. Download a free memorandum - Request of Progress Report. Download a free memorandum – Request of Progress Report. Are you a student who needs help with your.

Have you ever sent an email to your child’s teacher and they not even respond? How dare they? You’re trying to be a concerned parent and show that you actually have a general interest in your child’s academic well-being! Now you’ve got an attitude AND they’re going to know it in the next email!


As a parent and former public school teacher, I have found that the best way to communicate with a teacher is to be short, concise, and straight to the point in an email. Teachers are very busy people and they don’t have all day to read and respond to lengthy emails. If you have ever noticed, their emails contain as few words as possible (unless they feel that they have been “attacked” and feel the need to “defend” themselves). Nevertheless, communication is key in having a good relationship with your child’s teacher. Sending out a not so nice email may not be the best approach. Learn how to draft an effective email to get a response from your child’s teacher.

Basic Parts of an Email to Your Child’s Teacher

  1. Title the email using your child’s first and last name.
  1. Use a greeting to suggest a time of day.
  1. Begin with a comment that makes the teacher feel like you know that they are human and have a life outside of teaching your child.
  1. Acknowledge the hard work that the teacher does in the classroom specifically for your child.
  1. Get directly into the purpose of the email. What are you requesting/needing?
  2. Let the teacher know your availability.
Request For Student Progress
  1. Ask the teacher to get back to you with a date and time and let him/her know how urgent you would like for them to respond.
  • Try to avoid using words or phrases like “ASAP” (as soon as possible) or “immediately” because they may offend the teacher.
  • It is ok to give a respond by date but be sure to allow a 24-48 hour response time.
  • It’s also important to let them know how soon you would like a conference scheduled if you’re requesting a conference (i.e. this week, next week, within the next 2 weeks).
  1. Thank the teacher once more.
  1. Use a closing and include your full name with contact information.

Sample: Email Your Child’s Teacher Requesting a Conference

Good afternoon Mrs. Brown,

I hope all is well and you’ve enjoyed the nice weather this weekend with your family. I truly appreciate your hard work and everything that you do to help my son. I would like to schedule a conference to discuss his progress in your class. We want to know about his phonic skills (i.e. digraphs, dipthongs, long vowels, consonant blends, etc.), addition and subtraction skills (which numbers are mastered and which ones he needs help with), writing skills (specific letters he needs practice with, punctuation, capitalization, # of sentences, etc.), reading comprehension, and sight words.

Please let me know which day next week you will be able to meet with us. Tuesdays or Wednesdays work best for us. I look forward to discussing his progress with you soon. Thank you in advance.


Your Name

Your Contact Information

Tell the teacher exactly what questions you have and what information you’re expecting to gain from the conference.

  • This allows the teacher time to successfully prepare for the conference and to be able to address all of your needs and concerns

Once you have a confirmed date and time scheduled for the conference with your child’s teacher, begin writing down questions that you would like to ask the teacher. See our article, Parent/Teacher Conference: 11 Best Questions To Ask The Teacher, for some great questions to begin with.

Sample: Email Your Child’s Teacher For a Performance Update

Similarly, I emailed the teacher of one of my tutoring clients to get feedback about his performance in class. The teacher responded the same day with so much helpful information. Take a look at my email and see how you too can email your child’s teacher and get a response back:

Good afternoon,

I am following up about {student’s} performance in your class. How is he doing? Do you see any improvement? I know that he had a test today. Will you be moving into Exponent rules and solving exponential equations next? Please let me know so that I can begin to prepare him for that. If there is something in particular that you feel I need to spend more time on with him, please let me know.

Notice that there is no mention of “concerns” in any of the emails. We do not want the teacher to be on the defensive immediately during the conference nor in her response to an email.

It’s all about the tone and being specific about the purpose of your email. Try to avoid extremely generic or vague questions. There is nothing that would cause the teacher to misread the tone of your email and cause confusion if you follow these easy steps and model the examples above.

Have you ever sent an email to your child’s teacher and the communication just went wrong from that point on? How were you able to turn it around?

Share your stories in the comment area. We would love to hear from you. Share this article with your friends and family if you found it to be helpful.

Request for student progress reports

Watch this video with more tips on how to get a response from a teacher!

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Request For Student Progress

[These are sample letter to the parent of the student about the progress of their child at school, college, academy or university. You need to modify this sample according to your needs.]


Request For Student Progress Report

Parents name…

Request For Student Progress Center

Home Address…

Contact Information…

Sub: Progress Report of (Student’s name)

Request For Student Progression

Respected sir,

I am a class teacher of your son/daughter (Name), (School/College name). Sir I am writing this letter to inform you about the progress report of your son/daughter. S/He has been always a very good student at our school, s/he has always scored good marks but I am noticing a change in her/his behaviour from last month, s/he is not paying attention to studies, s/he is not doing his/her homework daily, s/he mostly sits quietly, s/he is not talking to his/her friends as well. (Write actual problems and situations). It is not a good sign for us as it can damage his mental health and can spoil his studies as well. If you people are having any problem at home than please try to resolve it as it is hurting your son/daughter badly, we are really concerned about him/her so you too, so please ponder upon my letter. Thanks,
