Free Opensource Sequence Diagram Tool For Mac

Sequence diagrams are the most popular UML artifact for dynamic modeling, which focuses on identifying the behavior within your system. The sequence diagram is a construct of a message sequence chart. A sequence diagram shows object interactions arranged in time sequence. It depicts the objects and classes involved in the scenario and the.

  1. Free Open Source Sequence Diagram Tool For Macbook Pro
  2. Free Open Source Sequence Diagram Tool For Mac Download
  3. Free Open Source Sequence Diagram Tool For Mac Os


  1. A sequence diagram shows how pieces of a system interact and in what order they do so. For more information on sequence diagrams take a look at the Wikipedia article on the subject. I’ve found that using tools like Visio are a bit complex and complicated to use. Then I discovered Web Sequence Diagrams. Web Sequence Diagrams is a free, online.
  2. Umbrello UML Modeller is a Unified Modelling Language diagram software tool based on KDE Technology. It is one of the best open source data modeling tools that empower you to draw diagrams of software and other systems in a standard format to document or design the structure of your programs.
  3. Dia is an open source online diagramming tool designed to help users create structured diagrams. Upon installing this software, the users can create charts for any purpose. It is a free diagram editor for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. Both tech-savvy and non-tech users will find the interface of this app easy-to-use.
  4. The following is a selected list of SysML Modeling Tool resources that will provide additional information about Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) and Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) SysML-compliant modeling tools for MBSE applications.
Includes a free 14-day trial

With the power to diagram, rapid-prototype, and design, OmniGraffle was made for professionals who need to organize or communicate visually—beautifully.

  • Diagramming

    OmniGraffle is purpose-built for explaining complicated ideas in a beautiful, precise way.

  • Rapid-prototyping

    Quickly create beautiful wireframes to explore ideas accurately.

  • Design

    Powerful tools for creating professional-grade vector graphics.


OmniGraffle is purpose-built for explaining complicated ideas in a beautiful, precise way.


Free open source sequence diagram tool for macbook proFor
Quickly create beautiful wireframes to explore ideas accurately.


Powerful tools for creating professional-grade vector graphics.
Intelligent grouping, snapping, and alignment tools allow you to move quickly, without sacrificing accuracy or quality.

Organize, communicate, and share your ideas with stunning visuals.

Mac, iPad, and iPhone can all share the same stencils, projects, and JavaScript automation, allowing you to quickly create or edit a diagram from anywhere.
Free open source sequence diagram tool for mac download

Sequence Diagrams

Often it is helpful to visualize a solution before implementing it. Diagrams in general help simplify a complicated system to make it easier to understand at a high level. One specific way you might accomplish this is with a sequence diagram.

A sequence diagram shows how pieces of a system interact and in what order they do so. For more information on sequence diagrams take a look at the Wikipedia article on the subject. I’ve found that using tools like Visio are a bit complex and complicated to use. Then I discovered Web Sequence Diagrams.

Web Sequence Diagrams is a free, online tool that helps you create sequence diagrams. Unlike a lot of other tools, you don’t accomplish this by drawing boxes and connecting arrows. Instead, you write code with its domain specific language (DSL).

As you can see, the section on the left is my code which generates the content in the section on the right. The code is pretty straightforward and easy to learn. There is a help section you can read if you want to get fancy, but most things you can figure out yourself.

Why Use Web Sequence Diagrams?

One of the better features is actually how you learn the language. There is a menu on the far left with images of things you might want to do. You click the image that looks like what you want, and then it generates the code. Then you’re free to tweak the code so it renders the way you want.

Web Sequence Diagrams also comes with a large set of styles. Pick a style that mixes well with your other graphics, or just one that you think looks cool. As you can see, using different styles can make the same diagram look a lot different.

Although this tool is free to use, there are some perks to paying for it. There are some cool perks like exporting to PDF or SVG and some additional language features. Additionally, you can create larger diagrams and collaborate with others. They also have a variety of payment options, such as monthly, yearly, or my favorite, a one-time 24-hour access. You can read about the features in more detail if you’re interested.

Free Open Source Sequence Diagram Tool For Macbook Pro

My only complaint is that there doesn’t seem to be a way to activate the first lane. Activating, in this context, is represented by a box which one might use to indicate active engagement by a subsystem. On that subject, there doesn’t seem to be a way to make a segment arbitrarily longer other than adding a note. On the other hand, this encourages you to document why you might expect something to take a long time.

Complaints aside, this is an awesome tool and one you should definitely check out next time you need to make a sequence diagram.

Free Open Source Sequence Diagram Tool For Mac Download

Mini Series: Agile Team Facilitation Tips for Coaches

Free Open Source Sequence Diagram Tool For Mac Os

Mini Series: Agile Team Facilitation Tips for Coaches