Drop A Hinthint Someone Special What You Wish For!

Sep 17, 2018 - Tell your special someone what’s on your wish list. Click “Drop a Hint” on any item and we’ll send them a hint (so you don’t have to). Built in reading breaks & “drop everything and read” days: I mean, if someone gets like 10 or 15 minutes to go puff on their cancer sticks a few times throughout the day than I would personally like a reading break for the same allotment of time. Related, I would really enjoy if every couple of months we just the equivalent of a mental.

What do you write in a special birthday card? Birthdays are special not just for the celebrant but for friends, family and other colleagues as well. It is the day when everyone can express appreciation and love for the birthday celebrant in different ways. Birthday celebrations may involve a low-key breakfast with the family or an elaborate party for a few dozen people. In most cases, well-wishers express their good wishes through birthday messages especially crafted for the occasion. These messages may be delivered by email or through social media platforms, including Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. Messages may also accompany birthday presents, but whatever your mode of delivery, make sure to personalize your greetings for a more heartfelt impact. Here are a few heartfelt birthday wishes for someone special in your life to inspire your quest for the perfect message.

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Special Birthday Wishes for a Special Someone on their Special Day

But you can wish for peace in your day as well. Again, here you wish for a global concept, but a specific one in your day. It is truly amazing how quickly you can find peace in a single day, just by wishing for it. And when you wish for an abstract concept such as this, or a happy family, you might be surprised. But the important thing is to know that there are absolutely things you can do to help a friend who has lost someone special. Although I have lost three of my immediate family members, many people my age have yet to experience loss. And while it has been a significant part of my journey thus far, I STILL struggle when others lose someone special.

  • Today is special because you are special. Have a wonderful birthday with family, friends and all those whose company you enjoy. Cheers!
  • May your special day be fantastic, marvelous, and unforgettable… just like you!
  • It’s not every day that we have the privilege of sharing wonderful moments with someone special. You have made our lives so much richer just by being part of it. May you have the most wonderful birthday today.
  • Happy Birthday to someone who makes the world brighter for so many folks. You are a gift of sunshine.
  • May your journey through life be as rewarding as you hope. You deserve all the good things that life has to offer. Happy Birthday!
  • The greatest reward in life is knowing that we have been an inspiration to others. On your birthday, we would like to thank you for being such a good example of a great human being. Have a wonderful birthday today.

Sincere Birthday Wishes for a Special Male Friend

  • Everybody’s searching for a hero. You are a shining example of strength under adverse conditions and graciousness in uplifting situations. You are a true hero, and I hope that you will have a birthday celebration fit for a hero on this special day. Happy Birthday!
  • To a wonderful human being and one of the best examples of the male species – Happy Birthday!
  • You inspire me to give my best even when the going gets tough. You are my rock, my refuge and the love of my life. Happy Birthday, and may you have many more to come!
  • I cannot find the perfect words to express how much I appreciate being in your life. You are wonderful and special and so worthy of a huge celebration on your birthday. I hope you love all the birthday surprises that are coming your way.
  • Today should be a national holiday because it’s your birthday. You could hang out in your man cave, or you could share this day with everyone who cares about you. Whichever you choose, Happy Birthday, and here’s to bigger successes in the coming years!

Sweet Birthday Wishes for a Special Female Friend

  • Today, you are a queen. Tomorrow and forever, you will be a queen because you have earned it with all that you do to make this a better place for everyone. Happy Birthday, wonderful person!
  • You are my best friend, my soulmate and my partner in crime. You deserve a brilliant birthday celebration for being such a wonderful person. Enjoy your birthday today.
  • I have been blessed by your presence in my life. You spread joy wherever you go. You show kindness and compassion even under strange circumstances. Birthday toasts for a fabulous lady!
  • If the dictionary were to use a picture to illustrate the word awesome, they would use yours because you own that word. Your zest for life, your bubbly spirit and the pure joy you show when sharing with others has raised the bar for awesomeness. Happy Birthday to you!
  • Happy Birthday! You are a true friend to everyone. Expect a big crowd and a lot of love for your birthday celebration.

Passionate Birthday Wishes for Someone Special you Love

  • I was drifting without purpose until you came into my life. I am blessed to have you by my side for the rest of our lives. Happy Birthday, my love.
  • I wasn’t sure what happiness was until you walked through that door and flashed your megawatt smile. I have been mesmerized by you since Day One. I hope you love your birthday surprise. Happy, happy birthday to my dearest one.
  • Thank you for the love you have shown me and shared with me. On your birthday, I wish you greater success and the fulfillment of all your dreams. Cheers to my sweetest one.
  • Simple birthday greetings just won’t do for the most amazing person that is you. You deserve the biggest and the best birthday event because you are the most important part of me. To my love, Happy Birthday!
  • In you, I have found the secret to eternal happiness. In your presence, I have been endowed with the wisdom of the world. On your birthday, I wish you a long life and all your dreams fulfilled. Have a wonderful birthday today.
  • If they were handing out awards for phenomenal people who make the world a better place just by being in it, you would be at the top of the list. You are awe-inspiring, and I am lucky to have front-row seats in your journey. Let’s celebrate your birthday in a way that is fitting for such a terrific person.

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More Special Birthday Wishes

By samtaylorskykierajen
We have often seen on here what would you want if you could have one wish but what if you were given one wish but you could not use it on yourself . Who would your wish be for and what is it that you would wish for them and why this person and why this wish ? Please explain your reasons .
19 responses
@balasri (26546)
28 Sep 08
I wish no hunger for the babies of the world.My heart always go for the famished babies.It is so cruel.
• Canada
• India
@relundad (2311)
28 Sep 08
If I had only wish that I could bestow upon someone else, I would wish that somehow homelessness and hunger would not exist. I think that everybody deserves a roof over their head and something to eat as a basic right of life.
• Canada
It is a shame we are not all given one wish in life even for someone else as this one wish could change someones life forever :) Thank you for your response .
• United States
Since this is my wish and has been most of my adult life, I can't rid the world but I try to do my part in my community. I volunteer and donate through my church, the VA and several charities for these causes.
• Canada
That is a very unselfish thing to do and it is nice to see that there are some people out there who do what they can to help others :)
@TakeThisName (769)
28 Sep 08
I would make a wish for world poverty to end that way it would not help one person but a whole bunch of people. I hate to see other people wihtout enough to eat and feel bad for those people in other countries who never know if they are going to have enough to eat that day or when they are goign to eat again.
• Canada
@Humbug25 (12551)
28 Sep 08
Hi ya samtaylorskykierajen I would give my wish to my mum and wished that she would give the wish to me! LOL . I would give the wish to my mum and wished for her house to be paid off so that she only had to work part time to pay her bills. She will be 60 in March and she is still working, a full time job and a part time job that goes into full time hours sometimes.
• Canada
@Rozie37 (15499)
28 Sep 08
I wish that my older sister could move back out to California and buy a house where her family is. Her husband wanted to move out to Georgia. So my sister quit her city job of 24 years and moved with him. She is now bored and looking for work out there.
• Canada
Drop a hint hint someone special what you wish for you
@snebxu66 (379)
28 Sep 08
For me, the year of 2008 is black because of so many troubles with me, some have been solved and some not yet, so I wish the year could end quickly.
• Canada
@nanajanet (4436)
28 Sep 08
For the strength to handle any challenges and sorrows that will come their way, without holding onto anger over it.
• Canada
@julian1179 (41)
28 Sep 08
if i had only 1 wish and i could no use it on myself, i would choose, either no more global warming, ever or world peace
• Canada
@Spyder27 (42)
28 Sep 08
I would wish that my brother's eyesight be restored. It has been impossible for him to meet women to date because he can't just go hang out at the bar and girls don't go to dating sites to find men that aren't their ideal. He does everything for himself, lives alone, owns his own house, has a government job. The only time he needs help is that he likes to be guided (by having an elbow to hold onto)through a crowd in public. Actually, he could still make it on his own, but many people don't realize the significance of a white stick and walk right into him!
• Canada
Has he been blind all his life ? I can see how this would be more difficult to meet someone but there is still a chance he will meet someone who will see how special your brother is .. I hope you get your wish for your brother someday :) Thank you for your response .
28 Sep 08
• Canada
@danishcanadian (28838)
28 Sep 08
My husband has been battling Post Traumatic Stress disorder (PTSD) ever since he got out of the Viet Nam war. I wish that he could get rid of that, and that everything for him could just get back to normal. It's quite an experience for both of us to deal with that.
• Canada
I can only imagine what a toll this would take on someone . Thank you for your response .
@believehappening (770)
9 Dec
For my son. I wish him to lead a successful and happy life. He has to live long I will become old and die.....
@glords (2614)
6 Oct 08
I think I would wish that my mother would find peace and happiness. After loosing my father a year ago she doesn't seem to be very happy. We can't talk her into going out with us anymore. She just wants to stay home and grieve. I wish that she could find some happiness and perhaps a friend or partner who could bring her back into the world of the living.
@eztuner (451)
6 Oct 08

Drop A Hint Hint Someone Special What You Wish For A

Hi, Samta. The wish will be for my husband. Why? Because he is the person I love the most in this world. I'll wish for him a Healthy life? Why? Well health has always been an issue in his life. Even though God has always offered the perfect solutions, but his health is in our minds.
@luntian_grace (1373)
6 Oct 08
i wish i could turn back the hands of time to save my friend from being shot by those monsters. i am doing this for her parents coz i can't bare seeing them suffer from that terrible incident. she was shot a week ago in the head. the shooter was standing at her back. the inter wound was at the right lateral (at the back) and the exit wound was at the left frontal side of her head. it was a close shot for the damage was great. she has lost her left eye.

Drop A Hint Hint Someone Special What You Wish For You

@JayJashG (290)
6 Oct 08
Can I respond to this post 5 times! 1)Dad 2)Mom 3)SIS 4)My guy 5)My in-laws The only thing I wish for all of them is health and a blessed life
@syankee525 (6293)
2 Oct 08
my wish would be for my wife, who has rp of the eyes. she basicaly going blind. so i wish it would heal or they find a cure for it so she can see better
@sacmom (14250)

Drop A Hint Hint Someone Special What You Wish Forever

1 Oct 08
The wish would be for my eldest son. I would wish for him to be a normal boy, who would be able to talk and play like any other child. He is autistic and is almost non-verbal. How wonderful it would be if he could do these two things that most people take for granted.
@mhrmasum (678)
29 Sep 08

Drop A Hint Hint Someone Special What You Wish For Her

If i would have a one wish for someone else i could want the happy life of all the poor people in the world. Because poor people tried heart and soul to live a good life. sometime they manage sometime they dont. happy lotting